"Jerusalem ” is a cinematic pilgrimage through the streets of Israel that follows the steps of a “Man” whose voice under the skies did not and will never die away: the Son of God, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. The story of the Holy Land is based on a practical, historical, geographical and archaeological experience all of which aim to let emerge all the spirituality and divinity that Jerusalem , with its suburbs and its quarters, offers to the world. Jerusalem is a city outside of time, earth projection of the Celestial Jerusalem.
The spiritual power that animates it sees to it that prophets and thinkers throughout history have indicated it as three times Saint, the throne of the Lord, the centre of the Universe. Jerusalem is shelter of sages; it has always been and is still today a crossroads of people, civilization and religions. Hebrews believe it is the emblem of Mose's Promised Land, Muslims believe it is the third Holy City of Islam, and Christians believe it is the city that indicated God's intervention in history and his incarnation in Jesus of Nazareth.With the Gospel as handbook, the documentary leads you past the places in which God's son became Man, and in which he concretely carried out his divine deed: salvation of Human Race.
The narration follows an itinerary that treads the footsteps of this Man-God, going sometimes along the same roads that were the scene of his life, two thousands years ago. |