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life and itineraries of the Saint of Assisi
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Television documentary
It includes the very impressive image of Pope John Paul II
kneeling in the place where
Saint Francis received stigmata

Made with the supervision of Father Nicola Giandomenico from the
Basilica of Saint Francis in Assisi

Director: Marcello Traversini
Lenght: 50 minutes
Format: VHS


This video is an itinerary inspired by the most significant places of St Francis of Assisi 's spiritual walk. It is a pilgrimage along the St Francis' favourite routes that became, thanks to his habitual visits, a tangible sign of the spirituality that pervaded every moment of his life. Nature is often the main protagonist of these places so full of peace, prayer and spirituality. These are places where one can better understand the relationship of Francis with nature and God, and understand the exceptional value of the Saint's message to the whole of humanity; a message based on a poverty meant as renunciation of passions and power, and on a peace that means first of all to promote supremacy of hearts, to renounce being above things to place yourself next to them.

Vitelli Family from Città di Castello

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